Communion for the Home Bound

If you or a loved one are temporarily or permanently home bound and unable to attend Mass, the St. James Ministry of Care can bring Holy Communion to your home on a regular basis. To have a qualified and trained St. James lay parishioner bring Communion to your home, please contact the Ministry Center at (630) 469-7540.

Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and/or Reconciliation for the Home Bound

For a home bound person to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and/or Reconciliation, please contact the Ministry Center at (630) 469-7540. Father will then be notified and will contact you to set up a time for a visit.

Hospital Visits

If you should be admitted to any of the local hospitals and would like a visit from Father, please call the Ministry Center and ask the secretary to inform him. If the person hospitalized is unable to call personally, an immediate family member may call us. Privacy laws in effect allow us to respond only to the hospitalized person and/or immediate family member requesting a visit. Father will do his best to respond by making the visit to the hospital. It is helpful if the person, when admitted, indicates on the hospital registration form, that he or she requests a visit from the Catholic chaplain on staff at the hospital. However, to insure that St. James the Apostle Parish is aware of your hospitalization, it is best to call the Ministry Center directly at (630) 469-7540.

If you are aware of any upcoming surgery or hospital stay for yourself and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, Father would be happy to administer the sacrament before you are admitted to the hospital. Please call him at the Ministry Center, (630) 469-7540, or speak to him before or after Mass.