Baptism: Our Entrance into the Church

In the water of our Baptism, we are called to die to sin and to accept a new life of redemption in Jesus. We are initiated into the Body of Christ. Baptism accomplishes four things: it forgives all sin, we become children of God, God lives in us and we live in him (grace), and we begin our life-long journey to salvation.

Baptism also gives us the support of the Christian community as we strive to live Christ-like lives. Baptism configures us to Christ and seals us with an indelible spiritual character. Thus, Baptism cannot be repeated, even the Baptism of those completed in other Christian faiths.

Scheduling a Baptism at St. James

Parents are required to be registered parishioners of St. James and attend a Baptismal Preparation Class prior to their child’s Baptism at St. James. Please contact our Coordinator of Baptism, Gina Wiedman, at the Ministry Center, 630.469.7540, ext. 208 for specific dates and to register for a class or to schedule a Baptism.

Parents choose one godmother and/or one godfather for the child. A godparent must be a Baptized and Confirmed Catholic, age 16 or older (mother and father of child are excluded). Godparents must submit a copy of their Confirmation Certificate. Copies may be obtained by contacting the parish where their Confirmation was celebrated. Click here for a directory of Catholic parishes in the United States. If the parish where Confirmation was celebrated has closed, records are kept at the local Diocesan office. To locate the contact information for a particular diocese in the United States, click here.

Each Godparent is required to complete and submit a Godparent Eligibility Form which needs to be completed by Godparent, then signed and sealed by a priest or deacon at the parish where the Godparent is registered and practicing their faith.

Parents and godparents receive keepsake books to guide them in their roles and to record important events in the life of their child or godchild. You will also receive a baptismal candle and a white garment on the day of your child’s Baptism. There is a suggested offering of $50 for the church, which may be handed to the officiant on the day of the Baptism.