The Sacrament of Marriage: More Than a Solemn Exchange of Vows

The Sacrament of Marriage is an act of worship in which the bride and groom come together to celebrate a sacrament, to offer thanks and praise together with family and friends, and to ask God’s blessing on their life together as husband and wife.

The Sacrament is a sacred vow which a couple will live throughout their lives. In the context of the Church community, marriage is both personal and public. It is personal because two individuals pledge themselves to a covenant of intimate and indissoluble union. It is public because marriage is ordained to the continuance of the human race and welfare of the family and society.

Christ the Lord raised marriage to the dignity of a sacrament so that it might become the sign of His own unbreakable union with His Bride, the Church. The love of husband and wife is a mirror of the love that God has for all of us. Such a love is characterized by openness, acceptance, forgiveness, and commitment. It is through this love that you bring life to one another. We at St. James take very seriously the commitment made in the sacrament and will support and assist you in any way we can.

our St. james the apostle wedding policies

our st. james the apostle wedding music policies & music selections

To listen to the musical selections we offer, please click here.

Once you have chosen the musical selections for your liturgy, please complete and submit the following form which will be emailed directly to Dr. Marc: Wedding Music Selection Form